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 Role-Playing Member's Bio's

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Join date : 2009-10-04
Location : The big clone vat in the sky

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PostSubject: Role-Playing Member's Bio's   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeSun Oct 18, 2009 11:52 pm

Post your bio (or extended bio) here.
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Join date : 2009-10-04
Location : The big clone vat in the sky

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PostSubject: Sophie Starsparrow   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeSun Oct 18, 2009 11:52 pm

EXCERPT: Permanent Record : Personality Assesment - Pator Tech School

Counselling Division

Sophie would play well with others...if she wasn't always rocking out in her ship. Her dedication and recklessness are attested by the fact that twice she returned from completed missions in a pod. The missions were completed though. Sophie was mostly upset at having to collect her music again.

Manufacturing Division

Why anyone thought Sophie had any proficiency in this field is beyond me. She mines, but only for shiny worthless trinkets that match her mood that day. She's quite a good drafter, but only seems interested in designing walk-in shoe closets. In Manufacturing class, all she makes are shoes for said closets. In short, I believe she's good enough for what she'll be doing, and therefore, no longer needs to attend any of my classes. Please consider this a pass. Please.

Administration : Add to file : Married 111/01/01 - Annulled.

Last edited by Sophie on Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Stella Starsparrow   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeSun Oct 18, 2009 11:54 pm

Vherokior Historical Accuracies Society - Excerpt of report "Starkmanir in our midst?"

Stella was found on the same ship as Sophie. Both sisters share the same traits of having been taken out of time. For all intents and purposes they are much more similar to the Vherokior when they first returned, than like the Vherokior now. How this is so they cannot explain, nor can we. Any hope that they may have shed light on the nature of the 'change' that Vherokior people went through is extinguished. For while they also have gone through it, they are unable to explain, and so many other mysterious surround their origins that no conclusive evidence can be drawn.

On a side note, the two sisters share some personality traits as well, such as sacrcastic intelligence, a tendency to hide their true feelings, and an aggressive, passionate view of our people, which also makes communicating with them very difficult.
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Join date : 2009-12-19

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PostSubject: Re: Role-Playing Member's Bio's   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeWed Feb 10, 2010 11:41 am

As a small child I used to sit in my Grandfathers arms and watch the stars wheeling around above us. He used to tell me that it was the abode of gods; that from up there they played their games, made their plans, and through these influenced all that lived.

Later, when I was at school I learnt that the stars were merely balls of superheated gas, with no-one living among them but humans and rogue AI's.

Later still I completed my capsuleer training... and found that my Grandfather was right all along.
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PostSubject: Re: Role-Playing Member's Bio's   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeSun Feb 28, 2010 1:17 pm

Kaalakotia Personnel File: 58-584-9875

Subject Name: Fraszoid

Subject Bio: The son of Anthony Francis, VP of Logistics for the Shipyards Division of Kaalakotia, and Betty Francis, Industrial Engineer. From an early age Fraszoid showed heightened abilities in problem solving and cognitive areas, making him an ideal candidate for employment as an executive in Kaalakotia proper. Upon taking the Corporation required Aptitude testat age 15, he scored remarkably high in the areas necessary for Capsuleer training and proficiency and was promptly grated admission in lieu of continuing Executive training. 4 years later at the age of 19 he graduated top of his class and was given a 5 year contract as an agent working for Homeguard running high risk patrols and escorting convoys. Upon completion of his term he opted to take a job as Production Executive overseeing Spaceship construction and related industrial operations. This lasted another 3 years before he ran in to Haatakan Oiritsuu, then only VP of Operations. They met after work over drinks discussing ways to improve efficiency of the equipment production division, since Fraszoid had managed a whopping 150% increase in production during his 3 years in the Spaceship Construction division. After a long discussion about ways it could be improved, they departed and the next morning Fraszoid found himself reassigned to Managing Director of Operations under Ms. Oiritsuu, a slight drop in status and position, but hefty increase in compensation. There he spend the next 9 months completely overhauling operations and making it run far more efficiently than ever before. It was also during that time that he and Ms. Oiritsuu became closer friends and were involved in romantic tryst (further details deleted). After this Fraszoid and Ms. Oiritsuu parted ways and Fraszoid returned to Capsuleer status as an independent contractor doing jobs for Kaalakotia on the side.

Current Location: Minmatar Space
Current Status: Active
Personnel File: Incomplete
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PostSubject: Re: Role-Playing Member's Bio's   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 3:47 am

[See below]

Last edited by Ssakaa on Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:13 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Role-Playing Member's Bio's   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 9:00 am

State War Academy student record.

Student Name: Jaycob Darkstorm

Evaluation: Jaycob shows great promise in combat and tactics as one would expect given his family history. Sadly that promise is overshadowed by a withdrawn, quiet, and almost unresponsive personality. It is hard to tell if Jaycob is even paying attention to his teachings, that is untill he is placed combat simulations, when he shows a very aggresive yet cold nature. His skills are still very much unpolished having lost more then one ship in simulation due to his never let up mindset. Under the right instructor though I see Jaycob doing extreemly well. On an ending note, in the rare moments Jaycob does speek, his ideals seem to contradict Caldari or even Amarr beliefs. [End of entry]


Last edited by JaycobDarkstorm on Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Role-Playing Member's Bio's   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeMon Jun 14, 2010 8:05 pm

Raised in a privileged household as an only child, Krystel grew up with the finest in life; people, social contacts, education. Her family fell into disgrace when her uncle was caught selling classified information to the Caldari. Imprisoned for his crime he was "accidentally" killed in a mining incident. His two sons, her cousins, disappeared just ahead of the police; it is believed they are hiding out in Caldari space but no one knows for sure. The family business was nationalized and later dismantled.

Since coming of age, Krystel has shown herself to be loyal and true, somewhat overcoming her family's shame. In spite of this she still encounters prejudice and distrust at times. Outwardly she is loyal to the Federation; in reality she loathes politics and bureaucratic wranglings.

Krystel will occasionally visit her parents, their forced retirement more accurately a prison. Such visits hurt her standings. That they are her only living relatives is irrelevant.

"My riches consist not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants."
J Brotherton
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PostSubject: Updated Bio   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 10:13 am

Nomadic in nature, and finally, terminally, exasperated by her fellow Matari and their inability to act upon what she beleives as the Nefantar threat at the door, Aasakaa has abandoned Republic space altogether, never wishing to return. Having invested in several properties deep in Gallente territory, she is taking the time off to prepare for the birth of her daughter, some three months or so away. In effect her close family had no choice but to accompany her to a backwater planet to spend their riches on the paltry technologies and idle pursuits to be found locally in the slums and farm-towns of her new home.

Now planetside, as she does not wish to endanger the life of her unborn child, Aasakaa has joined a local committee to help oversee civic planning development with her colleagues from Six Kin, whom she still is in contact with.


As to her plans, she was recently overheard talking to her father during a lavish supper. Airily waving a loaded fork in lazy circles, in between sips of brandy, she exclaimed, "It's been what? Six weeks? We've barely arrived, father. I know so little of the Gallente. We don't need the money, but you you must understand ... a pod pilot can never go back to a life where the pitch-black of the night skies are merely a pretty back-drop to ignore."

Her father, dressed in his customary foppish attire, and chewing thoughtfully on a mouthful of roast, paused for a moment to listen further.

"We are what we are, we podders ... the life of the bourgeois landowner or whatever you like ... isn't what we do. We can never, ever, go back to being what you are, or Erica here".

With a twinkle in her eye, Erica, her Godmother, dabbing the corner of her mouth with a napkin, found nothing with which to reply. Instead, a pinchful of salt was thrown behind her right shoulder, for good luck or gratitude, whichever was uppermost in her mind.
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PostSubject: Re: Role-Playing Member's Bio's   Role-Playing Member's Bio's Icon_minitime

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